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Glimmers in the sun and catches more eyes than the TV screen.
Glimmers in the sun and catches more eyes than the TV screen. Intense copper blonde will help you add some...
Which hair trend are you kind of tired of seeing?
Which hair trend are you kind of tired of seeing? Spill all the hair tea!
Nothing better than a colour refresh to celebrate, right?
Nothing better than a colour refresh to celebrate, right? When we are able to open up, which colour are you...
Can we BE any more supportive?
Can we BE any more supportive? All jokes aside, we’re here to support in any way that we can, so...
Got long hair and feeling like you're in a rut?
Got long hair and feeling like you're in a rut? You don't have to go for the chop, because the...
Need a bit of shine boosting?
Need a bit of shine boosting? We recommend using a leave-in conditioner or oils. These types of products take longer to...
It’s just a fact.🥰 You’re not shallow or superficial.
It’s just a fact. You’re not shallow or superficial. It’s just who we are. A part of us. Like our...